Wednesday, May 7, 2008

globalization,effects,advantages,disadvantages,benefits and definations


What is Globalization?

globalization a force for economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom? Or is it a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of the developing world, and suppression of human rights?

In our world, there are few places a person can’t get to within a day of travel, and few people a person can’t reach via telephone or Internet. Because of modern modes of travel and communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways. Time and space matter less, and even language barriers are being overcome as people all over the world communicate through trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways.


Understand that when you hear the words “Global Community” or “Globalization” from today’s so-called “leaders”, they mean the New World Order.

Since many people have picked up on the New World Order slogan, the world’s elite have gone to using Globalization instead.

Therefore, the problems arising from Globalization are the same as those from the plan for a New World Order.

The plans are the same.

It’s just that “Globalization” doesn’t have the same horrific mental images that people have come to associate with the New World Order term.

Negative Effects of Globalization:

According to estimates from World Development Indicators, “Women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours, produce half of the world’s food, but earn only ten percent of the world’s income, and own less than one percent of the world’s property (Tomlinson)”. According to Vandana Shivea, and Indian ecofeminist and scholar, globalization along with the support of organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, have created slave wages. These wages are not necessarily the result of “unjust” societies, but of the fact that global trade devalues the worth of people’s lives and work (Aujla). While globalization has brought jobs to rural, developing areas such as India where there was previously no employment, these jobs seem to be wolves in sheep’s clothing. The work available to women is almost always poorly paid, mentally and physically unhealthy, demeaning, or insecure.

Women are suffering two fold. As women in developing countries move into the work force, their domestic responsibilities are not alleviated. Women work two full time jobs. One in a factory, where they are paid next to nothing, the second is in the home where they are paid nothing (Moghadam). According to Merlin A. Taber and Sushma Batra, editors of the book Social Strains of Globalization in India, development for poor women has meant the migration of men to cities, higher prices for commodities, poorer job opportunities. “The mixture of corporate capitalism and Western culture models is dissolving family and community social controls as witnessed by higher rates of family violence, rape, divorce, and family breakdown.”

One example of women’s labor being exploited would be the Noida Export Processing Zone, which is 24 km from New Delhi. These “zones” prefer to hire women because they are “more docile and more productive in men.” In short, they are easier to control and less likely to retaliate against less than ideal working conditions, which are exactly what thousands of women encounter 12 hours a day. The zone is dangerous, hot, and unsanitary. Unnecessary body searches are routine. There are no maternity benefits and minimum wage is never enforced. Women who become pregnant or marry are immediately fired. Overtime is compulsory but women are paid lower rates than men. In order to avoid being fired, women turn to unsafe abortions performed by unqualified “doctors.” In the zone, “respiratory problems, pelvic inflammatory disease, and sever cases of dehydration and anemia are common.” (Rajalakshmi)

Advantages of Globalization:

Goods and people are transported with more easiness and speed
  • the possibility of war between the developed countries decreases
  • free trade between countries increases
  • global mass media connects all the people in the world
  • as the cultural barriers reduce, the global village dream becomes more realistic
  • there is a propagation of democratic ideals
  • the interdependence of the nation-states increases
  • as the liquidity of capital increases, developed countries can invest in developing ones
  • the flexibility of corporations to operate across borders increases
  • the communication between the individuals and corporations in the world increases
  • environmental protection in developed countries increases

Meaning Of Globalization:

growth to a global or worldwide scale.
"The globalization of the communication industry."

The technological development that characterizes the past two decades has triggered a communicational enhancement around the globe. Interconnectedness between people is greater everyday; goods, services, money, and information are exchanged between the furthermost parts of the world. International travel and communication now represent ordinary aspects of life. This phenomenon is called globalization.

Economic Globalization:

International trade is the cross-border trade in goods and services. On these pages, it is measured by the sum of imports and exports, divided by the GDP of a national economy. The growth of international trade is a straightforward indication of economic globalization. When US residents, for example, read labels on their clothes showing they are made in China, Malaysia or Mexico, or decide to purchase a car made in South Korea, their sense of global connectedness is immediate.

Investment is the conversion of money into some form of property from which an income or profit is expected to be derived. Foreign direct investments (FDI) are flows of money into a country that purchase a lasting stake in an enterprise for a foreign investor. These investments are direct in the sense that the investor purchases ownership rights in a specific company, rather than in a portfolio of stocks held by a broker, say. FDI does not include short-term investments, portfolio investments or currency flows.

Foreign Direct Investment is an indication of growing transnational ownership of production assets. It is a leading edge of economic globalization in the sense that increasing foreign ownership of productive may give direct influence over livelihoods and production. The implications of foreign ownership of production may include both positive and negative elements, depending on the perspective of the observer. Foreign investment has often been an important avenue for the transfer of skills and technology. At the same time, foreign investment puts workers under foreign control, and leads to foreign appropriation of profits.

Problems With Globalization:

The origin of the debt : the structural trade deficit of the United States, since 1967 ; Eurodollars must be seen as acknowledgement (recognition) of debt, not payment.

Impact of Globalization:

Unfortunately, globalization is not brought about by elementary school children writing to internet pen-pals (as cozy as that sounds). The real agents of globalization are our friends the multinational corporations - the ‘super-companies’. Globalization is nothing more than the product of the multinational corporation’s search for profit. So, rather than being driven by positive things like a wish to bring the world closer together, globalization is driven by corporations seeking to maximize profits, and part of that search for profits involves the search for cheaper labor. Many companies move into less developed countries to take advantage of the lack of organization of labor there which allows these companies to pay below subsistence-level wages.

how globalization affects the world?

The relationship between GNP and welfare, however, is not linear (fig), delineating cultural differences and peculiarities of each particular socio-political and economic region (Fig about family distribution ).

Once GNP per capita reaches about US$ 4000 increments of basic human welfare tend to be marginal .
Whilst very high deviations (over the line with a long gap ) are recorded mainly by socialist countries ( China, Cuba, Vietnam) and the “Western” countries ( North America, Europe and Australasia) , the most notable negative deviations (below the line with the highest gap)are recorded by two different groups of countries: oil rich Middle Eastern countries (Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia,..) and many African countries (including Nigeria, Angola, Namibia and Niger).

If we focus our attention on the last group and we look at the figures concerning the inequality index and the real gross domestic product and the food consuption, one could see low levels of real GDP (fig) associated with a highly inequal redistribution of wealth with low levels of nutrition.

All the figures above risk, however, to lose meaning, unless we define some key concepts shall be used in the present essay.
It is particularly difficult to exactly define the concepts to analyse the effects of globalization on the Third World, as the enormous quantity of data, from GDP (gross domestic product) (Fig ) the level of education and a definition of development (time is relative and a society, as Islam, developed 600 years after Christianity show not only the resemblance to our Middle Ages structural society, which reports to a similar mode of production ).

The quality of the territory also plays a role in influencing the geo-political structure of a particular area.
In addition to that, the peculiarity of main third world countries depends on the quality and the quantity of exports as well as imports with the will be later defined “core”, the relationship of exploitation of the main Western Empires (formerly Spain, UK, France, Portugal, lately, USA) and the damages colonisers did to the African soil, which brings now, with the increasing of the population doubling in the Sub-Saharan area with a rate of 25 years fig, a black horizon in front of them.




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